This study described the development of tobacco smoking of subjects between
ages 12 and 36 using prospectively collected self-reports of 212 Swedish m
en and women born in the 1950s. Smoking habits were studied in terms of sta
bility, longitudinal patterns of smoking, and the relation between age of i
nitiation and later smoking. Findings showed that light smoking (up to 6 ci
garettes/day) did not remain stable after adolescence. Typical development
patterns from age 15 to age 36 included staying a nonsmoker; smoking intens
ely (>10 cigarettes/day) and continuing into adulthood; smoking less intens
ely for some periods; or smoking intensely and quitting before age 36. Diff
erences in age at smoking initiation were related to later habitual smoking
only when participants reported initiation had occurred after age 12. (C)
1999 Elsevier Science Ltd.