Treatment with statins are known to lower plasma and low-density liporprote
in (LDL) cholesterol levels with resultant prevention and regression of ath
erosclerosis. It has been recently suggested that the action of the statins
may also have a direct effect on other mechanisms involved;in the atherosc
lerotic plague formation. Thus, we investigated whether simvastatin could h
ave an antioxidant effect on plasma lipoproteins. The rate of oxidation of
LDL and high-density lipoproteins (HDL) was measured by conjugated diene fo
rmation with and without the addtion of increasing concentrations of simvas
tatin tin vitro) and in patients with and without treatment with simvastati
n (in vivo). A strong correlation was observed between increasing simvastat
in concentration and the lag phase a negative correlation was observed fdr
maximal rate and maximum diene production in LDL samples (r(2) = +0.97, p <
0.0001; r(2) = -0.92,p <0.0001; r(2) = -0.98, p <0.0001, respectively). For
HDL no clear correlation could be established with the lag phase, but a st
rong negative correlation was also observed between simvastatin concentrati
on and maximal rate and maximum diene production (r(2) = -0.69, p <0.01; r(
2) = -0.98, p <0.00011 respectively). After b hours of oxidation the produc
tion of aldehydes in LDL and HDL was lower (30% and 5%, respectively) in sa
mples obtained during simvastatin therapy with respect to those obtained wi
thout treatment. The 2,4-decadienal showed a decrease of 37% and 64% (p <0.
05) in both oxidized-LDL and oxidized-HDL particles, respectively, with sim
vastatin treatment. Our findings demonstrate that simvastatin acts as an an
tioxidant in lipoprotein particles and, together with its lipid-lowering pr
operties, could play an important role in preventing atherosclerosis. (C) 1
999 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.