Assuming the existence of encoding synapses which record presynaptic a
xonal 'on-off' patterns as the contents of memory, and the existence o
f modulating synapses which help encoding synapses develop long-term p
otentiation and depression so as to convert short-term memory into lon
g-term memory, it is possible to outline a brain model according to ne
uroanatomy. The loop of memory-conversion consists of the axons connec
ting the perceptive cortices, mesotemporal lobes, dorsomedial nuclei o
f thalamus (which also receive axons from septohippocampal complex and
, indirectly, fornices), and prefrontal lobes. The contents of thought
, feeling, dreaming, hallucination, and delusion all result from activ
ation of different axonal 'on-off' patterns in many sets of synapses,
and retrieval of memory, reactivation of the presynaptic axonal 'on-of
f' patterns in the correlating sets of synapses. In this model, degene
rated synapses may be responsible for the thought disorder of schizoph