Visceral leishmaniasis is an endemic disease in the Mediterranean Basin. Ch
ildren are one of the targets of the infection. Treatment usually requires
parenteral injections of pentavalent antimony (Glucantime(R) or Pentostam(R
)), but the high frequency of adverse events and the occurrence of primary
or secondary resistance cases limit the use of these medications. Diamidine
s (Pentacarinat(R)) or amphotericin B derivatives are alternatives to antim
ony. Unfortunately, pharmacokinetics and optimal dosage of diamidines are n
ot well-known, and numerous adverse events are described. Liposomal prepara
tions of amphotericin B enhance its efficiency and tolerance, and the durat
ion of treatment may be reduced to 5 days. Moreover, primary resistance to
amphotericin B is not described in immunocompetent children. Allopurinol as
sociated with antimony seems no more efficient than antimony alone. Aminosi
dine is not evaluated. (C) 1999 Elsevier, Paris.