The commonest cause of faecal incontinence is considered to be childbirth.
In this review we consider the available data on the prevalence of faecal i
ncontinence in the community and the incidence of incontinence after childb
irth. The results and implications of studies on childbirth using anal mano
metry, neurophysiological tests and anal ultrasound are discussed. The deve
lopment of symptoms are more likely with a third degree tear and forceps de
livery. Reduced resting and squeeze pressures are seen early after vaginal
delivery with recovery noted with time. Reduced pressures have been seen in
symptomatic and asymptomatic women and there is no correlation of the pres
sures with the presence or absence of a sphincter defect or evidence of pud
endal neuropathy. Anal manometry can not be used as an indication of muscle
or nerve injury. Both sphincter defects and evidence of pudendal neuropath
y are common after vaginal delivery but these are not necessarily associate
d with symptoms. It is suggested that such occult sphincter injuries may go
on to be symptomatic in later life. The number of these injuries, however,
is far greater than the documented prevalence of incontinence in the commu
nity, and hence many must remain asymptomatic. Their true clinical signific
ance remains uncertain.