BACKGROUND. The authors rested the effects of the antiestrogenic agent tamo
xifen on telomerase activity and cell proliferation in MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231
breast carcinoma cell lines. MCF-7 cells belong to a known estrogen recept
or positive cell line, whereas MDA-MB-231 cells, previously thought to be e
strogen receptor negative, are now shown to contain estrogen receptor-beta.
METHODS. Both cell lines were grown in the presence of tamoxifen 10(-6), 10
(-7), 10(-8) and 10(-9) hi for 10 days. Cells in separate flasks were harve
sted daily for determination of total cell number, protein was extracted fo
r determination of telomerase activity, and RNA was extracted for reverse t
ranscriptase-polymerase chain reaction analysis to measure expression level
s of the telomerase components (the RNA component and the catalytic subunit
) and estrogen receptors.
RESULTS, Total cell counts and telomerase activity levels of both cell line
s with 10(-8) M tamoxifen treatment were lower than control cells and other
tamoxifen treatments. Changes in the expression of individual telomerase c
omponents correlated with telomerase activity. Estrogen receptor status did
not correlate with telomerase activity.
CONCLUSIONS. Tamoxifen strongly affected both cell count and telomerase act
ivity within the 10(-8) M concentration of both cell lines. Cells were able
to overcome drug inhibition at all other doses after 4 days. Telomerase ac
tivity and cell proliferation were correlated in both cell lines and depend
ed on drug concentration. Tamoxifen showed long term effects on cell prolif
eration of the MCF-7 cells.