The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that the beneficial
effect of trimetazidine during reflow of ischemic hearts is mediated by ene
rgy sparing and ATP pool preservation during ischemia. Isolated rat hearts
(controls and rats treated with 10(-6) M trimetazidine, n = 17 per group) u
ndenwent the following protocol: baseline perfusion at normal coronary flow
(20 minutes), low-flow ischemia at 10% flow (60 minutes), and reflow (20 m
inutes). me measured contractile function, O-2 uptake, lactate release, ven
ous pH and PCO2, and the tissue content of high-energy phosphates and their
metabolites. During baseline, trimetazidine induced higher venous pH and l
ower PCO2 without influencing performance and metabolism. During low-flow i
schemia, trimetazidine reduced myocardial performance (P = 0.04) and ATP tu
rnover (P = 0.02). During reflow, trimetazidine improved performance (91 +/
- 6% versus. 55 +/- 6% of baseline), prevented the development of diastolic
contracture and coronary resistance, and reduced myocardial depletion of a
denine nucleotides and purines. ATP turnover during low-flow ischemia was i
nversely related to recovery of the rate-pressure product (P = 0.002), end-
diastolic pressure (P = 0.007), and perfusion pressure (P = 0.05). We concl
ude that trimetazidine-induced protection of ischemic-reperfused hearts is
also mediated by energy sparing during ischemia, which presumably preserves
the ATP pool during reflow.