Refractory bricks are the most common materials used in equipments for carr
ying processes at high temperatures, such as the production of steel, cemen
t and glass. These bricks are exposed to severe operation conditions, their
life determines if an equipment should be stopped for reparation or replac
ement of the bricks. One of the phenomena that is present inside reactors o
r furnaces with an internal wall covered by refractory material is the form
ation of layers. As they growth, they cause disturbs in the product flow or
at least decreases the reactor or furnace capacity, and in the worst case
it is necessary to stop the equipment for major reparations. This work is c
entred in the formation of layers inside the direct reduction reactors. The
se layers are formed over the firebrick (Al2O3, SiO2) wall from the Direct
Reduced Iron (DRI) that is being processed in the reactor. The aim of this
work is to describe the mechanism of formation and growth of these layers.
We conducted several test for simulating the formation of layers by the app
lication of shear stresses at high temperatures and under a reductive atmos
phere to the a DRI pellet-refractory interphase. The amount of DRI adhered
to the sample bricks was measured following an experimental design of nine
independent variables. Temperature, shear stress and time were identified a
s important variables for the mechanism of formation and growth of the laye
rs. Confirmation of the importance of these variables was determined by mea
ns of a proposal for avoiding the adhesion problem. This proposal consists
in a treatment on the surface of the brick that minimizes the adhesion of D
RI. The successful treatment of more than 6000 bricks for operating plants
proves that our conclusions are correct. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Limited
and Techna S.r.l. All rights reserved.