Regulatory classification of substances in the European Union (EU) is inten
ded to identify their hazardous toxicological properties in a formal and ha
rmonized manner. In the regulatory work, a specific chemical with its molec
ular structure is classified as a skin sensitizer. This implies that the co
mpound is stable throughout its lifetime. The purpose of the present paper
is to discuss the problem of skin sensitizing oxidation/degradation product
s formed by air exposure of various materials or substances with very low a
llergenic activity. In regulatory classification work on skin sensitizers,
the intrinsic suspectibility of a chemical to air oxidation (autoxidation)
should be taken into consideration. We give examples of natural terpenoid m
aterials, but the concept of allergens formed by air oxidation can apply to
Other materials widely used in industrial products. If a positive classifi
cation is made for a substance with a known chemical structure, a note shou
ld indicate that the primary chemical structure of the notified substance i
s not a skin sensitizer, but that (some of) its oxidation products are. Com
plex mixtures which inevitably contain sensitizing oxidation products shoul
d (on the basis of sufficient evidence) be classified as skin sensitizing.