A compound's bioconcenuation factor (BCF) is the most commonly used indicat
or of its tendency to accumulate in aquatic organisms from the surrounding
medium. Because it is expensive to measure. the BCF is generally estimated
from the octanol/water partition coefficient (K-ow), but currently used reg
ression equations were developed from small data sets that do not adequatel
y represent the wide range of chemical substances now subject to review. To
develop an improved method, we collected BCF data in a file that contained
information on measured BCFs and other key experimental details For 694 ch
emicals. Log BCF was then regressed against log K-ow and chemicals with sig
nificant deviations from the line of best fit were analyzed by chemical str
ucture. The resulting algorithm classifies a substance as either nonionic o
r ionic, the latter group including carboxylic acids, sulfonic acids and th
eir salts, and quaternary N compounds. Log BCF for nonionics is estimated f
rom log K-ow and a series of correction factors if applicable; different eq
uations apply for log K-ow 1.0 to 7.0 and >7.0. For ionics, chemicals are c
ategorized by log K-ow and a log BCF in the range 0.5 to 1.75 is assigned.
Organometallics, nonionics with long alkyl chains, and aromatic azo compoun
ds receive special treatment. The correlation coefficient (r(2) = 0.73) and
mean error (0.48) for log BCF (n = 694) indicate that the new method is a
significantly better fit to existing data than other methods.