Sediment duality guidelines (SQGs) for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PA
Hs) have been derived from a variety of laboratory, field, and theoretical
foundations. They include the screening level concentration, effects ranges
-low and-median, equilibrium partitioning concentrations, apparent effects
threshold, Sigma PAH model, and threshold and probable effects levels. The
resolution of controversial differences among the PAH SQGs lies in an under
standing of the effects of mixtures. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons virtu
ally always occur in field-collected sediment as a complex mixture of covar
ying compounds. When expressed as a mixture concentration. that is, total P
AH (TPAH), the guidelines form three clusters that were intended in their o
riginal derivations to represent threshold (TEC = 290 mu g/g organic carbon
[OC]), median (MEC = 1.800 mu g/g OC). and extreme (EEC = 10.000 mu g/g OC
) effects concentrations. The TEC/MEC/EEC consensus guidelines provide a un
ifying synthesis of other SQGs, reflect causal rather than correlative effe
cts. account for mixtures, and predict sediment toxicity and benthic commun
ity perturbations at sites of PAH contamination. The TEC offers the most us
eful SQG because PAW mixtures are unlikely to cause adverse effects on bent
hic ecosystems below the TEC.