Five thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven healthy young men, aged 18-19,
from two distinct regions of Central Italy, Abruzzo and Marche, have been
investigated during the military medical examination to evaluate pigmentary
traits and skin phototypes. They were examined over the entire body except
the scalp and ano-genital area for pigmented lesions, which included commo
n acquired melanocytic nevi (MN), clinically atypical nevi and solar lentig
ines. Eye and hair color were also recorded. Information was gathered by se
lf-questionnaire, personal interview and clinical skin examination performe
d by two independent dermatologists. For sunlight susceptibility and sun ex
posure, each subject was classified from I to IV skin phototype according t
o the classification of sun-reactive skin types as proposed by Fitzpatrick.
Almost half of the entire population (44.5%) had affirmed that they tanned
easily and rarely burned (phototype IV), 10.3% had skin phototype I or II,
11.2% had more than 40 common MN, and 37.2% had atypical nevi with a diame
ter greater than or equal to 5 mm. The common MN and atypical nevi count ha
d a significant association with skin phototype. Subjects with phototype I
or II, and solar lentigo had significantly higher nevus counts than individ
uals without these characteristics.