The convective heat transfer coefficient during deep-fat-frying of potatoes
was determined at different temperatures. The temperature, 0.1 cm below th
e top and bottom surfaces of a 0.05 x 0.05 x 0.005 m potato sample was moni
tored over rime. The thermal conductivity and specific heat of the sample w
ere expressed as a function of rime, and the data were analyzed using the h
eat transfer equation with an explicit finite difference method. Crust form
ation occurred primarily at the bottom surface of the potato slice. Therefo
re, the frying was examined at the bottom surface; before and after the cru
st formation. The convective heat transfer coefficient ranged between 300 t
o 335 W/m2 degrees C for the top, and 450 to 480 W/m2 degrees C for the bot
tom surface before crust formation. After dust formation, it varied between
70 to 150 W/m(2)degrees C for the bottom surface within the studied temper
ature range of 150 to 190 degrees C.