Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis (DCCA) was used to describe the
relationship between savanna environments and vegetation community composi
tion in the Orinoco Basin. TWINSPAN derived three major types of savanna ve
getation, each with its own Aoristic and physiognomic features. The first g
roup reflected a plant association with species Trachypogon occurring in mo
derately infertile soils with low water availability and high bulk density.
This group is distributed mostly on hilltops and dissected plains of the n
orthern Orinoco savannas. The second group has the highest species diversit
y in habitats occurring in the northern Orinoco with extremely infertile so
ils. The third group, on the other hand, has a considerable number of speci
es belonging to the leguminosae and Cyperaceae families and linked to the h
abitats of the eastern Colombian savannas with the highest soil water avail
ability, a shorter dry season and higher precipitation.
The regional analysis of the Orinoco savannas suggests edaphic controls to
be important. Changes in the underlying geology have affected topography an
d soil formation, which results in variation in water and nutrient status.
The moisture regime and hydrological features are acting as the major regio
nal determinants, while nutrient levels and distinctive surface soil proper
ties provide the subregional determinants. The local boundary, at any given
site, is strongly determined by nutrient shortage and acidity. Also, bioge
ographic and floristic considerations were taken into account to explain di
fferences in species composition.