Objective: The authors investigated the prevalence of binge eating behavior
in a general female Austrian population. Method: A random sample of 1,000
women (age range 15a to 85a) was interviewed by dieticians over the phone.
Some screening instruments were used to detect binge eating behavior. Resul
ts: Of the entire sample, 122 met the diagnostic criteria for binge eating,
84 for binge eating syndrome, and 33 for binge eating disorder (BED). The
point prevalence of bulimia nervosa was 1.5%. Women with binge;eating episo
des carried out more frequently one or more diets within the previous year,
and more frequently exhibited a restrained eating behavior than did women
without binge eating behavior. Underweight women more often met the diagnos
tic criteria for bulimia nervosa nonpurging type than did normal weight, ov
erweight, and obese women, while overweight and obese women more frequently
met the diagnostic criteria for BED. Discussion: Our findings indicate tha
t binge eating appears to be a fairly common behavior in women. Dieting, ch
ronic restrained eating, and excessive exercise may be important triggers f
or BED and bulimia nervosa. (C) 1999 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.