J. Russell-smith et al., Fire regimes, fire-sensitive vegetation and fire management of the sandstone Arnhem Plateau, monsoonal northern Australia, J APPL ECOL, 35(6), 1998, pp. 829-846
1. A fire history (1980 to the present) developed for Kakadu National Park,
derived mostly from manual interpretation of LANDSAT MultiSpectral Scanner
(MSS) imagery, was used as the temporal basis for undertaking rapid assess
ment of the effects of fire regimes on floristically diverse vegetation con
taining many regionally endemic species, occupying sandstone formations of
the Arnhem Plateau, monsoonal northern Australia.
2. Three broad vegetation types were identified through TWINSPAN classifica
tion of floristic composition at 108 sample plots: Allosyncarpia-dominated
closed forest; open forest/woodland savanna with an annual grass understore
y; and open shrubby heath interspersed with perennial hummock grasses. All
sampled vegetation occurred on freely draining, oligotrophic substrates der
ived from sandstone parent materials; grazing and browsing of sampled veget
ation were not significant factors.
3. The three fire frequency parameters derived from the assembled fire hist
ory ('years unburnt', 'fire frequency', 'shortest interfire interval') were
autocorrelated. Correlative analyses between vegetation structure and soil
nutrient variables, and 'years unburnt', demonstrated generally increasing
shrub densities, fuel loads and soil fertilities with increasing time sinc
e last burnt. Identified limitations in assembled data included: substantia
l between-plot structural variation for respective vegetation types, reflec
ting diverse ecological and fire histories of individual plots; and inabili
ty to describe accurately the important fire regime variable 'fire intensit
y' from the imagery used.
4. Assessment of the reproductive maturity of obligate seeder shrub species
indicated that, whereas vegetation at some sites could tolerate burning af
ter 3-year intervals without loss of floristic diversity, many species requ
ired fire-free intervals of more than 5 years, particularly those occupying
harsher, rocky sites. In contrast, fine grass and litter fuels were suffic
ient to support intense fires in all representative situations under late d
ry season climatic conditions within 1-3 years of having been burnt previou
5. Published fire history data for the period 1980-94 show that 40% of vege
tation occupying sandstone-derived landforms in Kakadu National Park have b
een burnt at frequencies of at least 1 in 3 years; such fire frequencies ev
idently cannot be sustained without substantial loss of obligate seeder spe
cies, comprising 54% of the sampled shrubby heath flora. The data support o
ther observations concerning the catastrophic impact of contemporary lire r
egimes on fire-sensitive vegetation types in other sandstone regions of nor
thern and north-western Australia.
6. Based on these insights, an established programme for strategic fire man
agement of the Arnhem Plateau is outlined.