We analyze the impact of the active labor market policies (ALMPs) and the u
nemployment compensation system (UCS) on unemployment durations of differen
t groups in the Czech population by estimating hazard functions with new mi
croeconomic data. We conclude that these programs were effective in improvi
ng the functioning of the labor market. The UCS system has allowed the unem
ployed to search for jobs but has not prolonged unduly unemployment spells.
This analysis of the effectiveness of ALMPs on unemployment durations show
s that job brokering shortened spells of the groups that tended to have lon
ger unemployment durations, i.e., women, Romanies, the handicapped, less ed
ucated persons, and those with an unemployment history. Our results suggest
that the UCS and the ALMPs increased the social acceptability of the painf
ul economic transition. J. Comp. Econom., March 1999, 27(1), pp. 33-60. Wil
liam Davidson Institute, University of Michigan Business School, 701 Tappan
Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1234; and CERGE-EI, 11121 Prague 1, Czec
h Republic. (C) 1999 Academic Press. Journal of Economic Literature Classif
ication Numbers: C41, H53, J23, J64, O15, P2.