The effect-of plasma-etching damage on carrier transport; properties in GaN
has been studied under various plasma conditions by monitoring the changes
in sheet resistivity (rho(s)) and mobility (mu(s)) or the resistivity (R).
All the etching experiments were performed in an electron cyclotron resona
nce microwave plasma reactive ion etching (ECR-RIE) system. Consistent chan
ges in the transport properties have been observed with increasing de bias
(ion energy) in all plasmas except in those containing chlorine. With noble
gas plasmas, the largest change in conductance was created when Ar, the he
aviest ion, was accelerated to its highest voltage. In these Ar sputtering
cases, substantial surface micro-roughening has been observed. These surfac
es also display considerable nitrogen deficiency as measured by Auger elect
ron spectroscopy. These observations suggest that preferential sputtering o
f nitrogen from the surface of GaN is one form of ion damage. The other is
displacement damage. Both of these forms of ion damage are considered to be
the direct-cause of the observed changes in the electrical properties.