A diversion tunnel has been proposed to alleviate flooding in the upper por
tion of the Passaic River basin. The tunnel will divert flow from the headw
aters of the Passaic to the upper end of Newark Bay. The present study prov
ided information required to evaluate the effect of the tunnel on finfish a
nd shellfish in the vicinity of the outlet. Impacts were examined through t
he CH3D hydrodynamic model and the CE-QUAL-ICM water-quality model. Quantit
ies computed included tides, currents, salinity, temperature, dissolved oxy
gen (DO), and biochemical oxygen demand. The models were calibrated to fiel
d data collected from July to September 1994. Scenarios illustrated the imp
act of the tunnel on salinity, temperature, and DO under three flow conditi
ons. In the worst case, impact of the tunnel on DO and temperature was shor
t-lived and of limited spatial extent. Impact of the tunnel on salinity was