Electric conductivity of organic molecules was estimated with molecular res
olution using self-assembled techniques and scanning tunneling microscopy (
STM). Conjugated molecules of [1,1':4',1 "-terphenyl]-4-methanethiol (TP) w
ere embedded in self-assembled monolayers of insulative n-alkanethiols, and
when observed by STM, TP molecules appeared as protruding domains. The app
arent height of the TP domains increases as the lateral size of the domains
grows from 1 to 10 nm, reflecting the increase in the vertical conductance
of the domains due to the lateral, intermolecular interaction. We assumed
that the molecules are connected to each other with resistors for estimatin
g the effect of intermolecular interaction on the conductance and calculate
d the height of conducting disks with various radii, which should roughly r
eproduce the size-dependent height of the TP domains observed by STM. The e
stimated resistance of the single TP molecule was less than 40 G Omega, and
the effective lateral conductivity corresponding to the large TP domains w
as larger than 0.01 S/cm.