interhemispheric thermohaline circulation is examined using Rooth's three-b
ox ocean model, whereby overturning strength is parameterized from density
differences between high-latitude boxes. Recent results with general circul
ation models indicate that this is a better analog of the Atlantic thermoha
line circulation than a single-hemisphere box model. The results are compar
ed with those of hemispheric box model studies, where possible, and the rol
e of asymmetrical freshwater forcing is explored.
Using both analytical and numerical methods, the linear and nonlinear stabi
lity of the model is examined. Although freshwater forcing in the Southern
Hemisphere alone governs overturning strength, increasing fresh water forci
ng in the Northern Hemisphere leads to a heretofore unrecognized instabilit
y in the northern sinking branch due to an increasingly positive ocean sali
nity feedback. If the northern forcing is instead made weaker than the sout
hern forcing, this feedback becomes negative.;In contrast, the ocean salini
ty feedback is always positive in single-hemisphere models. Nonlinear stabi
lity, as measured by the size of the perturbation necessary to induce a per
manent transition to the southern sinking equilibrium, is also observed to
depend similarly on the north-south forcing ratio.
The model is augmented with explicit atmospheric eddy transport parameteriz
ations, allowing examination of the eddy moisture transport (EMT) and eddy
heal transport (EHT) feedbacks. As in the hemispheric model, the EMT feedba
ck is always destabilizing, whereas;the EHT may stabilize or destabilize. H
owever, in this model whether the EHT stabilizes or destabilizes depends la
rgely on the sign of the ocean salinity feedback and the size of the pertur
bation. Since oceanic heat transport in the Southern Hemisphere is weak, th
e Northern Hemisphere EMT and EHT feedbacks dominate.