MacKuen, Erikson, and Stimson (1996) argue for a "banker" model of the elec
torate in which the expectations of economic experts flow through the news
media to the mass public, then influencing presidential approval. Using bus
iness elites' expectations and retrospections, a content analysis of print
media, and the electorate's presidential approval ratings, we evaluate the
parts of this process. We find that news is not transmitted unchanged betwe
en elites and the public. Rather, there is partial news autonomy, by which
the media assist in interpreting economic conditions. Also, political event
s and objective indicators of the economy have considerable impact on both
news reports and mass expectations. Finally, it is elite retrospections tha
t influence the electorate's economic expectations. While the mass public h
olds less sophisticated views than those of elites, we argue that this does
not mean the electorate is naive or that its own prospective views of the
economy are politically inconsequential.