Nurses are in an ideal position to promote patients' awareness of the role
played by clinical trials in the advancement of health science and the subs
equent improvement of patient care. The history of clinical trials and the
four phases of clinical trials are described. Nurses' professional roles in
clinical trial participation, such as helping the patient to identify open
clinical trials and acting as clinical interpreter and patient advocate du
ring the patient's participation in a trial, are detailed. Professional con
siderations that must be addressed by the nurse are reviewed and include en
suring that the trial has received approval from an Institutional Review Bo
ard for the participation of human subjects; that the responsibilities of p
articipation are congruent with the nurse's personal values and workplace o
bligations; and that once engaged, the nurse can make the commitment to sus
tain participation in the trial. Most important, the nurse must keep the pa
tient's needs and Values uppermost in mind during the evaluation of potenti
al clinical trials. Nurses have a critical role to play in the promotion of
clinical trials, the recruitment of patients for clinical trial participat
ion, the education of the patient and family, and the clinical care and sup
port of patients throughout their participation in clinical trials.