Cylindrocladium, candelabrum-like isolates were collected from a wide varie
ty of geographic locations and compared based on their morphology), sexual
compatibility) and the nucleotide sequences of their rDNA ITS regions. All
isolates included in this study mated to produce Calonectria teleomorphs wi
th viable progeny. Four distinct mating po,populations were identified, eac
h representing a genetically isolated, biallelic, heterothallic population.
Several representative isolates of each mating population, reflecting geog
raphic diversity, were chosen for sequence comparisons. The internal transc
ribed spacer (ITS) regions 1 and 2 that flank the 5.8S rDNA gene, as well a
s the gene itself, were sequenced and compared. All isolates representing t
he same group yielded similar sequences, but small, consistent differences
were found between the groups. Based on these results we recognise Calonect
ria scoparia (anamorph Cylindrocladium candelabrum), and describe three new
species, namely Calonectria pauciramosa (anamorph Cylindrocladium pauciram
osum), Calonectria insularis (anamorph Cylindrocladium insularae) and Calon
ectria mexicana (anamorph Cylindrocladium mexicanum).