A flash of light evokes neural activity in the brain with a delay of 30-100
milliseconds', much of which is due to the slow process of visual transduc
tion in photoreceptors(2,3). A moving object can cover a considerable dista
nce in this time, and should therefore be seen noticeably behind its actual
location. As this conflicts with everyday experience, it has been suggeste
d that the visual cortex uses the delayed visual data from the eye to extra
polate the trajectory of a moving object, so that it is perceived at its ac
tual location(4-7). Here we report that such anticipation of moving stimuli
begins in the retina. A moving bar elicits a moving wave of spiking activi
ty in the population of retinal ganglion cells. Rather than lagging behind
the visual image, the population activity travels near the leading edge of
the moving bar. This response is observed over a wide range of speeds and a
pparently compensates for the visual response latency. We show how this ant
icipation follows from known mechanisms of retinal processing.