Pyramidal neurons in layer 5 of the neocortex of the brain extend their axo
ns and dendrites into all layers. They are also unusual in having both an a
xonal and a dendritic zone for the initiation of action potentials(1-6). Di
stal dendritic inputs, which normally appear greatly attenuated at the axon
, must cross a high threshold at the dendritic initiation zone to evoke cal
cium action potentials(1,7) but can then generate bursts of axonal action p
otentials. Here we show that a single back-propagating sodium action potent
ial generated in the axons(8) facilitates the initiation of these calcium a
ction potentials when it coincides with distal dendritic input within a tim
e window of several milliseconds. Inhibitory dendritic input can selectivel
y block the initiation of dendritic calcium action potentials, preventing b
ursts of axonal action potentials. Thus, excitatory and inhibitory postsyna
ptic potentials arising in the distal dendrites can exert significantly gre
ater control over action potential initiation in the axon than would be exp
ected from their electrotonically isolated locations. The coincidence of a
single back-propagating action potential with a subthreshold distal excitat
ory postsynaptic potential to evoke a burst of axonal action potentials rep
resents a new mechanism by which the main cortical output neurons can assoc
iate inputs arriving at different cortical layers.