The hydrogen atom in weak external fields is a very accurate model for the
multiphoton excitation of ultrastable high angular momentum Rydberg states,
a process which classical mechanics describes with astonishing precision.
In this paper we show that the simplest treatment of the intramanifold dyna
mics of a hydrogenic electron in external fields is based on the elliptic s
tates of the hydrogen atom, i.e., the coherent states of SO(4), which is th
e dynamical symmetry group of the Kepler problem. Moreover, we also show th
at classical perturbation theory yields the exact evolution in time of thes
e quantum states, and so we explain the surprising match between purely cla
ssical perturbative calculations and experiments. Finally, as a first appli
cation, we propose a fast method for the excitation of circular states; the
se are ultrastable hydrogenic eigenstates that have maximum total angular m
omentum and also maximum projection of the angular momentum along a fixed d
irection. [S1050-2947(99)05203-8].