The electrical resistivity of epitaxial (La0.5Pr0.5)(0.7)Ca0.3MnO3 films de
posited on single crystalline LaAlO3 substrates was studied at temperature
and magnetic fields ranging from 4.2 to 300 K and from 0 to 3 T, respective
ly. On cooling from room temperature at zero magnetic field, the films demo
nstrate at first the behavior typical of the charge-ordered (CO) insulating
state, whereas below 40 K they undergo the transition to a metal-like stat
e with slowly decreasing resistivity. On heating from 4.2 K, the films rema
in metallic and their resistivity rho(T) coincides with the cooling curve o
nly at T>80 K. This hysteretic behavior fully reproduces itself at repeated
cooling-heating cycles. Near the low-temperature transition to a metal-lik
e state the charge ordering (CO) is metastable and the resistivity exhibits
the relaxation phenomena. The applied magnetic field as low as H=1 T suppr
esses CO, and the temperature hysteresis gradually disappears. The rho(T) m
easurements at nonzero fields reveal a pronounced colossal magnetoresistanc
e effect with the resistivity drop by a factor exceeding 10(6) at H=3 T. It
was also found that relatively small de voltages (<3 V) can cause the swit
ching from CO to a metal-like state within the metastability range in the v
icinity of 40 K when the charge ordering can be rather easily suppressed. W
ithin this range, the current-voltage characteristics are highly nonlinear,
with a memory effect: after switching the sample remains metallic even if
the voltage is lowered. The observed effects are interpreted in terms of st
rong competition between charge ordering and ferromagnetic spin ordering. T
his competition can give rise to different kinds of spatial inhomogeneities
involving the charge-ordered state, which should manifest themselves most
clearly in the vicinity of the low-temperature transition to the metal-like
state. The behavior of resistivity before the transition gives indications
of the two-phase state. The transition itself can be a manifestation of a
percolative nature of conductivity in this regime. [S0163-1829(99)06209-8].