Several new high-spin states are observed in the prompt gamma-rays emitted
from the neutron-rich, odd-Z La-145,La-147 fragments produced in the sponta
neous fission of Cf-252. Alternating parity bands are extended up to spins
41/2 and 43/2 in La-145,La-147, respectively. A new band completes the evid
ence for two sell: of parity doublets expected for octupole correlations. E
ight B(E1)/B(E2) ratios (four new) between two bands in La-145 are all esse
ntially constant and somewhat larger than similar ratios in Ba-143,Ba-144,
where stable octupole deformation and/or correlations are reported. The new
ratios out of the 31/2(-) levels in both nuclei show a sharp spike compare
d to other states, presumably from a strong reduction in E2 strengths in th
is backbending region. In 145La, collective bands show competition and coex
istence between symmetric and asymmetric shapes. Band crossings occur in bo
th nuclei around (h) over bar omega approximate to 0.26-0.30 MeV. Their bac
kbends are associated with the alignment of two i(13/2) neutrons according
to cranked shell model calculations. [S0556-2813(99)08402-2].