Using a density matrix approach to describe the process of coalescence, we
calculate the coalescence probabilities and invariant momentum spectra for
deuterons and antideuterons. We evaluate our expressions with a hydrodynami
cally motivated parametrization for the source at freeze-out which implemen
ts rapid collective expansion of the collision zone formed in heavy ion col
lisions. We find that the coalescence process is governed by the same lengt
hs of homogeneity which can be extracted from Hanbury Brown-Twiss (HBT) int
erferometry. They appear in the absolute cluster yield via an effective vol
ume factor as well as in a quantum mechanical correction factor which accou
nts for the internal structure of the deuteron cluster. Our analysis provid
es a new interpretation for the parameters in the popular phenomenological
coalescence model and for the effective overlap volume in Hagedorn's model
for cluster production in pp collisions. Using source parameters extracted
from a recent HBT analysis of two-pion correlations, we successfully descri
be deuteron and antideuteron production data from Pb + Pb collisions at the
CERN PS as measured by the NA44 and NA52 Collaborations. We also confirm t
he recent finding by Polleri et al. that the different measured slopes of n
ucleon and deuteron transverse mass spectra require a transverse density pr
ofile of the source which is closer to a box than to a Gaussian shape. [S05