Quantities that need to be measured in gas fluidized-bed systems include so
lids volume concentrations, solids velocities and solids mass flows, the ve
rtical and horizontal distribution of solids inside the system, the lateral
distribution of the fluidizing gas, temperatures and gas concentrations. I
n the present paper an overview is given on available measuring techniques.
In the first section techniques for industrial routine measurements are di
scussed. These are mainly temperature and pressure drop measurements. Pract
ical applications and also the limitations of these techniques are outlined
. In the second section more sophisticated techniques for local measurement
s inside fluidized bed systems, which have already proven their suitability
in large-scale industrial reactors, are dealt with. Examples include sucti
on probes for measurements of local solids mass flows, heat transfer probes
for the detection of defluidized zones and solids flows inside fluidized-b
ed reactors and capacitance probes for solids concentration and velocity me
asurements under high-temperature conditions. The third section finally pre
sents advanced techniques which are either still under development or which
are particularly intended for academic investigations of basic fluidizatio
n phenomena. Examples include sensor techniques, imaging and tomographic me
thods. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.