BACKCROUND: Hydrogen peroxide is widely used for its antiseptic properties.
In certain circumstances, however the risk of air embolism can create a li
fe-threatening situation.
CASE REPORT: A 16-year-oid adolescent required surgical treatment for femor
otibial trauma. During the surgical procedure, cardiac arrest suddenly occu
rred when hydrogen peroxide was being used to irrigate the wound. A central
catheter was inserted and aspiration of air bubbles in the line led to the
diagnosis of air embolism. Outcome was unfavorable despite successful resu
scitation. A chronic neuro-vegatative state ensued and the patient died 8 m
onths later.
DISCUSSION: Several cases of air embolism have been described due to hydrog
en peroxide in surgical, medical and accidental circumstances. Our case emp
hasizes the potential danger of using hydrogen peroxide in certain situatio
ns, including orthopedic surgery. Clinicians should he aware that hydrogen
peroxide is not a perfectly safe product.