Three-dimensional large-eddy simulations (LESs) of a smoke cloud beneath a
strong inversion are used to investigate how grid resolution affects simula
ted entrainment-rate. These simulations are generalizations of a 1995 GEWEX
Cloud System Studies intercomparison of models of smoke clouds. Radiative
cooling at the top of the smoke cloud induces convection in the smoke cloud
in a manner closely analogous to that in marine stratocumulus-capped bound
The simulations are compared to a laboratory analogue for a range of invers
ion strengths and radiative forcings. The inverse Richardson-number scaling
of non-dimensional entrainment-rate found in the laboratory experiments is
largely captured by the numerical model, but the modelled entrainment-rate
s for strong inversions are two large by a factor of two. Better agreement
is obtained when the numerical model resolves the undulations of the invers
ion driven by the underlying convection. By this criterion, most LES studie
s of subtropical maritime stratocumulus made so far are under-resolved.
For determining the bulk entrainment-rate, a nested-grid model which has fi
ne resolution only in the entrainment zone is as effective as a model with
uniformly fine resolution. If horizontal resolution is much coarser than th
e vertical resolution, modelled entrainment-rates are less than those obtai
ned with simulations which have comparable vertical and horizontal resoluti