Prospective studies have shown that intensive vascular surveillance with ec
ho-Doppler significantly improves arterial graft patency rate in the lower
limbs although no conclusive data have demonstrated associated improvement
in limb salvage. The lack of randomised controlled studies makes it difficu
lt to advocate such intensive surveillance programmes to reduce limb loss a
fter arterial reconstruction. Nevertheless, it appears that measures mainta
ining good graft patency in the lower limb have the best chance to be accom
panied by improved life quality. Therefore, a fair protocol for graft surve
illance should take into consideration early flow disturbances, intrinsic r
isks related to comorbidities and technical aspects of the graft material.
Strict control of cardiovascular risk factors will greatly contribute to re
ducing the risk of late-occlusive events by slowing or halting the evolutio
n of the atherosclerotic process.