A microbial population was isolated from young sporocarps of Tuber borchii
Vittad. to study its possible role in ascus opening. The bacteria in the sp
orocarps had a mean value of 10(6) CFU/g and were generally found in quanti
ties higher than that found in the bulk soil (10(3)). In the sporocarps exa
mined the predominant bacteria were Pseudomonas fluorescens (30% of the tot
al population) and spore-forming, gram-positive, bacteria (15% of total). T
hese bacterial species were tested to evaluate their capacity to degrade ce
llulose and chitin, the most important components of the hyphal walls. Ultr
astructural examination of the tested sporocarps revealed the presence of b
acteria in the interhyphal space, a portion of which were embedded in the a
scus wall. It is suggested that the presence of Pseudomonas strains and Bac
illaceae in T. borchii Vittad. sporocarps could be related to their chitino
lytic and cellulolytic activities, which could in turn be involved in ascus
opening and, perhaps, in spore germination.