After providing a simple characterization of Horn functions (i.e., tho
se Boolean functions that have a Horn DNF), we study in detail the spe
cial class of submodular functions. Every prime implicant of such a fu
nction involves at most one complemented and at most one uncomplemente
d variable, and based on this we give a one-to-one correspondence betw
een submodular functions and partial preorders (reflexive and transiti
ve binary relations), and in particular between the nondegenerate acyc
lic submodular functions and the partially ordered sets. There is a on
e-to-one correspondence between the roots of a submodular function and
the ideals of the associated partial preorder. There is also a one-to
-one correspondence between the prime implicants of the dual of the su
bmodular function and the maximal antichains of the associated partial
preorder. Based on these results, we give graph-theoretic characteriz
ations for all minimum prime DNF representations of a submodular funct
ion. The problem of recognizing submodular functions in DNF representa
tion is coNP-complete.