Quantum reaction dynamics of Cl + HCl --> HCl + Cl for J (total angular mom
entum)= 0 is studied with use of the hyperspherical elliptic coordinate app
roach recently proposed by the authors. Thanks to the numerical efficiency
of this approach, the reactions involving vibrational quantum jumps up to t
hree are calculated accurately. Actually, all transitions among the states
up to nu = 3 and j = 15, in other words up to the total energy E = 1.3 eV,
are covered, where nu and j represent vibrational and rotational quantum nu
mbers, respectively. Because of the symmetry of the system, the vibrational
ly adiabatic reactions are generally more probable than the non-adiabatic o
nes. However, some specific vibrationally non-adiabatic reactions even with
two or three vibrational quantum jumps are found to occur efficiently. The
concepts of potential ridge and non-adiabatic transitions at avoided cross
ings near the ridge lines enable us to comprehend the reaction mechanisms n
icely. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.