Meta-analysis continues to grow in usage despite increased concern regardin
g its soundness. Over twenty meta-analyses directly pertain to vaccines. Va
ccine researchers need to understand the technique as well as the criticism
s, Meta-analysis involves four steps. First, the meta-analyst should establ
ish certain criteria in advance of the second step where the meta-analyst g
athers the data-the results of the individual studies. Third, the meta-anal
yst assesses the individual studies for combinability and, fourth, the meta
-analyst actually combines the data to generate conclusions. Vaccine meta-a
nalyses have addressed a variety of vaccines and a variety of study objecti
ves including efficacy, immunogenicity and safety, Three classical concerns
revolve around the issue of publication bias, data dredging and individual
study variability. Additionally, vaccine meta-analyses suffer concerns par
ticular to the field of vaccine research. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd, Al
l rights reserved.