Neuroleptic Maglignant Syndrome (NMS) is a life-threatening adverse reactio
n arising from the use of neuroleptic medications. While dopaminergic agoni
sts, dantrolrene and supportive care are traditionally utilized in the stab
ilization and management of NMS, anticholinergic medication may also prove
effective therapy. Treatment with anticholinergic medication has been sugge
sted in cases of NMS associated with mild hyperthermia. We describe a case
of a 17-y-old female, who was brought to the emergency department for a pos
sible "acute dystonic reaction". The patient received 50 mg diphenhydramine
iv, which resulted in improvement in mental status. The patient was readmi
tted to the emergency department 1 d following discharge with symptoms simi
lar, but now considering the diagnosis of NMS. Diphenhydramine 50 mg iv was
again administered and resulted in significant improvement.