We report a case of a parasitic nodule of the thyroid in a patient with Gra
ves' disease, which mimicked a lymph node metastasis from a primary occult
thyroid carcinoma. The patient was a 67-year-old Japanese woman with a past
history of subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves' disease, who was referred to
our hospital because of a right cervical mass. A lymph nodelike lesion mea
suring 1.5 cm in diameter was palpable, distinct from the remnant of the ri
ght thyroid lobe. Thyroid scintigraphy using I-123-Na revealed a hot lesion
at the upper lateral portion of the right thyroid lobe, and this was resec
ted. Microscopically, the mass showed thyroid follicles with lymphocytic in
filtration and lymphoid follicles. Clear ground glass nuclei, nuclear groov
ing and intranuclear inclusions were not observed. No morphological evidenc
e of the lymph node was found in the mass by reticulin staining. Parasitic
nodules of the thyroid in patients with Graves' disease may mimic a metasta
tic carcinoma of the thyroid.