Two rules have been analytically obtained for the well-known problem o
f Landau-Zener tunneling at the M+N level crossing. Both rules are val
id for the arbitrary crossing rate, level splitting vectors, and mixin
g matrix. The first rule is given by a simple expression for an arbitr
ary diagonal element of the S matrix. The second rule is that the S ma
trix has (M-1) x (M-1) and (N-1) x (N-1) triangles of zeros in its M x
M and NXN submatrices, i.e., some interlevel transitions are strictly
forbidden. Some other features of the off-diagonal elements are also
studied, using a 2+2 level crossing as an example. Numerical and analy
tical results of the 2+2 crossing show difference from a 1+2 level, an
d we conclude that the M+N level crossing cannot be expressed as a mer
e composition of 1+1 level crossings except for the above two rules. F
inally we discuss the possibility of a single-electron operation using
these results.