Regularities of ion-pair HPLC of oligonucleotides were studied. An alg
orithm was suggested for the calculation of the acetonitrile gradient
providing proportionality between the number of nucleotide residues an
d the retention time of the oligonucleotide (t(R)) (equidistant separa
tion of oligonucleotides). The algorithm is based on extrapolation of
the results of separation of a test mixture of five oligonucleotides v
arying in length from 10 to 30 units. It was shown that the logarithmi
c gradient of acetonitrile C-0 + mln(t) leads to the equidistant separ
ation of oligonucleotides. The separation is characterized by two meas
ured parameters: the retention time step and the extent of equidistant
ness. A functional dependence of the measured parameters on two varyin
g parameters of the logarithmic function (C-0 and m) was established e
xperimentally. A method for calculating the, expected retention time o
f an oligonucleotide from its nucleoside composition was suggested.