Two-dimensional surface-tension-driven Benard convection in a layer wi
th a free-slip bottom is investigated in the limit of small Prandtl nu
mber using accurate numerical simulations with a pseudospectral method
complemented by linear stability analysis and a perturbation method.
It is found that the system attains a steady state consisting of count
er-rotating convection rolls. Upon increasing the Marangoni number Ma
the system experiences a transition between two typical convective reg
imes. The first one is the regime of weak convection characterized by
only slight deviations of the isotherms from the linear conductive tem
perature profile. In contrast, the second regime, called inertial conv
ection, shows significantly deformed isotherms. The transition between
the two regimes becomes increasingly sharp as the Prandtl number is r
educed. For sufficiently small Prandtl number the transition from weak
to inertial convection proceeds via a subcritical bifurcation involvi
ng weak hysteresis. In the viscous zero-Prandtl-number limit the trans
ition manifests itself in an unbounded growth of the flow amplitude fo
r Marangoni numbers beyond a critical value Ma(i). For Ma < Ma(i) the
zero-Prandtl-number equations provide a reasonable approximation for w
eak convection at small but finite Prandtl number. The possibility of
experimental verification of inertial Benard-Marangoni convection is b
riefly discussed.