C. Rejwan et al., SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTIONS OF SMALLMOUTH BASS (MICROPTERUS-DOLOMIEU) NESTS IN LAKE-OPEONGO, ONTARIO, Canadian journal of fisheries and aquatic sciences, 54(9), 1997, pp. 2007-2013
Smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) nests were patchily distributed
within the Littoral zone of Lake Opeongo at two spatial scales (1 km
and 100 m shoreline segments). Nest locations were recorded by snorkel
ling along 155 and 6.3 km of littoral zone over 4 and 11 years, respec
tively. The degree of patchiness was greater and occurred more consist
ently at the 1-km than at the 100-m spatial scale. However, the degree
of patchiness was not significantly affected by 200% differences in s
pawning population size, implying that competitive interactions did no
t strongly influence nest locations over the study period. High-densit
y nesting areas remained stationary between years at the 1-km and 100-
m scales. This suggests that habitat variables having stationary spati
al characteristics, influence nest site choice. Since the locations of
nest patches are less stationary and less consistent among 100-m than
among 1-km scale sites, influential habitat variables at the 100-m sc
ale are either less important to the locations of nests or less statio
nary from year-to-year in their effects on nest distributions. If stat
ionary nest patches are typical of spawning smallmouth bass in lakes,
permanent protection of known patch locations could enhance their repr
oductive success.