The problem of the electrostatic field of a shock wave propagating acr
oss the magnetic field in an ionized gas is solved analytically. Both
transverse and longitudinal (with respect to the magnetic field) compo
nents of the electric field are taken into account. The boundary condi
tions are such that the closure of the Hall currents that ate cut off
at a discontinuity is provided by the longitudinal currents. Tile solu
tion is constructed using the method of eigenfunctions and has (approx
imately) the form of a potential barrier or a potential well. The solu
tion obtained agrees qualitatively with experimental data. Quantitativ
e agreement with experiment is achieved owing to the possibility of su
bstantially reducing the plasma conductivity when the current carriers
are trapped by the electric field. A hypothesis is proposed that can
provide insight into Why no anomalous ionization was observed in space
experiments. The dissipative nature of energy conversion and the poss
ibility for accelerating charged particles in an electric field are di