The goal of tills study was to investigate the effects of injector cha
racteristics and injection timing on fuel mass delivery to the valve i
n a fired spark ignition engine. The relationship between injection ti
ming and fuel arrival at the intake valve must be known for designing
an injection system for increased liquid entrainment into the gas phas
e and minimized fuel wetting of the port walls. Fuel spray behavior fr
om a conventional injector design and prototype vacuum-assist and air-
assist injector designs is investigated by measuring fuel drop size an
d velocity at the intake valve using phase Doppler interferometry. The
results of this study indicate the amount of time required for the fu
el spray to reach the intake valve is constant and independent of inje
ction timing. However, the width of the temporal fuel spray arrival di
stribution is a strong function of injection timing. injection timing
and the corresponding gas-phase dynamics have the strongest impact on
the smallest drops, resulting in a redistribution of tile drops with r
espect to size. In addition, the fuel spray behavior was investigated
at the start of tile intake valve event when hot cylinder gases flow i
nto the intake port. The arithmetic mean diameter of the fuel film ato
mized off the back of the intake valve during this period was found to
range from 55 to 65 mu m.