In the nutritional status of sheep under the conditions described, dai
ly pod (forage) consumption is the main limiting nutritional factor. I
ncrease in daily forage consumption also would, in some cases, decreas
e nutritional deficiency. We also recommend Gleditsia triacanthos pods
as an energy supplement: it is a basic forage, rich in protein and hi
ghly digestible. The nutritional value of pods differ among trees, due
to highly specific proteins of different digestibility. The forage ra
tion of 1.2 MFU energetic value and high total N, suffices both for da
ily maintenance requirement of sheep, and for their production needs (
meat, milk, etc.) Despite the promising results in production potentia
l and nutritive value of pods, the introduction of a system of high fo
rage value trees, will face difficulties related to their genetic sele