Progression of Parkinson's disease has been associated with several bi
ochemical changes in the substantia nigra including increased oxidativ
e challenge, catechol oxidation, and inhibition of mitochondrial compl
ex I activity. Cysteinylcatechols, formed by nucleophilic addition of
cysteine to oxidized catechols, have been identified as markers of cat
echol oxidation in brain tissue. We have examined the neurotoxicity of
a series of cysteinylcatechols. Of the compounds examined only, 5-S-c
ysteinyl-3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetate (cysdopac) was specifically cytoto
xic to differentiated P19 neuroglial cultures. Cysdopac also was neuro
toxic to pyramidal neurons in organotypic cultures of hippocampus, and
this effect was ablated by selective N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) rece
ptor antagonists. In vitro, cysdopac was a potent inhibitor of mitocho
ndrial complex I activity. However, electrophysiologic experiments fai
led to demonstrate NMDA receptor agonist activity for cysdopac, nor di
d cysdopac inhibit glutamate uptake. These results showed that cysdopa
c was the most potent neurotoxin of this series of cysteinylcatechols
and suggest that cysdopac may function as an indirect excitotoxin, pot
entially via inhibition of mitochondrial respiration. (C) 1997 Academi
c Press.