Aim/design. Many epidemiological studies published on the association
between maternal cocaine/crack we and birth weight have either lacked
precision or failed to control for major confounding, predominantly by
tobacco smoking. Meta-analysis enables a single summary measure of ef
fect to be calculated by combining data from any number of individual
studies, thus enhancing statistical power. We undertook a number of me
ta-analyses using only studies that had adjusted for tobacco smoking t
o estimate more precisely the effect of maternal cocaine we on birth w
eight. Findings. A meta-analysis of five studies presenting data for '
any' prenatal cocaine exposure, adjusted for tobacco smoking but unadj
usted for gestational age, produced a pooled relative risk estimate fr
om a fixed effects analysis of 2.15 (95% CI 1.75-2.64). However, there
was substantial heterogeneity among studies (p < 0.001), and the rela
tive risk from a random effects analysis was smaller (1.65) with a con
fidence interval that included unity (95% CI 0.94-2.83). Addition of a
further study adjusted for gestational age had minimal effect on the
pooled estimate: the fixed effects relative risk was 2.14 (1.77-2.60)
and the random effects estimate 1.77 (1.15-2.71). When data on more in
tense prenatal exposure were analysed, the fixed and random effects an
alysis produced the same pooled estimate of the relative risk of 4.42
(2.24-8.71), suggesting that more frequent cocaine exposure was associ
ated with a higher relative risk for low birth weight. Data from studi
es on mean reduction in birth weight produced a pooled estimate of 112
g (95% CI 62-161 g). Conclusions. The current study suggests that mat
ernal cocaine use causes low birth weight, and that the effect is grea
ter with heavier use. However, despite the adjustment for tobacco and
the adjustment by some studies for other confounders such as race, mat
ernal age, gravidity and socio-economic status, it could be argued tha
t other life-style factors not controlled for may account for the obse
rved effects. While this argument is not supported by some other types
of study, the issue of residual confounding can only be finally addre
ssed by analytical studies which adequately control for important vari