For over a century, actuaries and biologists working independently of
each other have presented arguments for why total mortality needs to b
e partitioned into biologically meaningful subcomponents. These mortal
ity partitions tended to overlook genetic diseases that are inherited
because the partitions were motivated by a paradigm focused on aging.
In this article, we combine and extend the concepts from these discipl
ines to develop a conceptual partitioning of total mortality into extr
insic and intrinsic causes of death. An extrinsic death is either caus
ed or initiated by something that originates outside the body of an in
dividual, while an intrinsic death is either caused or initiated by pr
ocesses that originate within the body. It is argued that extrinsic mo
rtality has been a driving force in determining why we die when we do
from intrinsic causes of death. This biologically motivated partitioni
ng of mortality provides a useful perspective for researchers interest
ed in comparative mortality analyses, the consequences of population a
ging, limits to human life expectancy, the progress made by the biomed
ical sciences against lethal diseases, and demographic models that pre
dict the life expectancy of future populations. (C) 1997 Elsevier Scie
nce Inc.